Ozark Empire Chapter Newsletter
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This months words from the Chapter President - December 2024
We held our requisite chapter business meeting on November 15. We reviewed the pertinent accomplishments from the past two years, including the IRS granting us tax exempt status as a 501c 19 entity, our continued support of numerous JROTC, ROTC, and Bobcat Gold programs, the continued support of Honor Flight of the Ozarks, and the updating of our chapter information on the MOAA website. We have also changed our meeting location to American Legion Post 639, though this is still under review. We also held chapter elections. The new Board, effective with the January chapter meeting, will be Becky Hutchings, President, Anthony Willis, 1st Vice President, Frank Bridges, 2nd Vice President, Dean Smith, Secretary/Treasurer, and Ron McCall, Immediate Past President. A big Thank You to each of those individuals, for volunteering to step up and continue to serve. It is our stated goal to continue to craft our chapter meetings as informative and beneficial for Veterans, Retirees, and Spouses. This may include bringing in local VSOs, representatives of the VA, Tricare, etc. The upcoming login change to VA and other government entities was discussed, as well as the need for some individuals to replace/renew their ID cards, in spite of already having Indefinite expiration dates. More information may be obtained on the MOAA website.
MOAA has put in a good deal of effort, and has completely redesigned their Member Information page, found at www.moaa.org. When logging in to the new page for the first time, all members will need to change and update their password. MOAA is also working with a new vendor, finalizing changes to the Member Dues portal. This should facilitate online payment of member chapter dues, as well as potentially other online payments in the future. I have been able to preview the changes, and they appear to be well thought out.
Let me take a moment of personal privilege. It has been an honor to serve as your chapter President for the past four years. As those who have gone before can attest, it has not always been easy, but I have tried to render the best service that I can. We need to continue to work to bring in new members, and to serve all our members with our efforts, providing what we hope is valuable information for all, as we each continue to serve our fellow veterans and our Nation. Thank you for the trust that you have placed in me. I hope that I have not been a disappointment.
For all who are Premium or Life members of MOAA, a free Survivor’s Planning Guide is available for download. It can be obtained at www.moaa.org
Ron McCall, President