Ozark Empire Chapter Newsletter

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This months words from the Chapter President - March 2025



Our meeting on February 21 was well attended in spite of the severe cold temperatures and snow accumulation during that week. We gained useful information about hospice care and services that are offered to veterans. Details later in this newsletter.


A Key Issues paper will be forthcoming regarding Advocacy in Action (AiA). At that time our legislative liaison will plan to meet with the field offices in our district(s).


MOAA announced the reopening of the Committee Module and Near Real Time Report (CM/NRT) in support of council and chapter leaders. Many months of updating and testing have gone into returning this important functionality. This will be rolled out in stages. As soon as our chapter has access, Ron McCall will update our online membership information.


MOAA’s mission is to improve the lives of those who serve and their families. As a MOAA member, surviving spouses have opportunities to connect with kindred surviving spouses in addition to receive information about benefits and programs that might be new to them. A great example of the support MOAA provides is the MOAA Surviving Spouse Virtual Chapter and the Surviving Spouses and Friends Facebook group, which unites military survivors from different war eras. Through these avenues, a surviving MOAA spouse has ample opportunity to relate to like members with similar backgrounds. Local chapters also can provide a spouse with a tangible sense of community and connection.


Make note of future events and tours that have been scheduled for our membership by Frank Bridges. Be sure to notify Frank if you have not signed up but still wish to attend.


For all who are Premium or Life members of MOAA, a free Survivor’s Planning Guide is available for download. It can be obtained at This Link


Our newsletter is freely available on this website by following the link above, as well as via email to all members. If anyone wishes to receive this newsletter via US Mail, please make that known to a Board Member or the Newsletter Editor, and we will make that happen.

Becky Hutchings, President

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