Ozark Empire Chapter Newsletter
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This months words from the Chapter President - February 2025
There was a good turnout for our January membership luncheon meeting. Your Board has secured this DAV facility for 6 months and positive feedback was received.
A new slate of officers was sworn in by outgoing President, Ron McCall. Your new Board members are as follows: Becky Hutchings, President, Anthony Willis, 1st Vice President, Frank Bridges, 2nd Vice President, and Dean Smith, Secretary/Treasurer.
In acknowledging past Presidents from our Chapter, 3 plaques were presented by Don Wolfinger, current President of Missouri’s Affiliated Councils and Chapters (ACC) and Becky Hutchings, incoming President, OEMOAA, to: Ron McCall, President 2021-2024, Chuck Guy, President 2019-2020, and Frank Bridges, 2015-2016.
Don Wolfinger shared the National Advocacy in Action’s (AIA) five key issues, outlined later in this newsletter.
Other state-level engagements include:
Department of Economic Development: Missouri Military Preparedness & Enhancement Commission
Missouri Veterans Commission
Sustaining Ozark Partnership
Membership Outreach
The military remains the most trusted U.S. institution, according to the latest Reagan National Defense Survey. In the seventh installment of the survey, 51% of respondents said they have “a great deal” of confidence in the military, up from 46% a year ago.What to Watch: With China and Russia cited as the leading threats, 79% of survey respondents to a survey conducted by the Reagan Foundation Institute, said they want the U.S. to spend more on national defense, while 61% said they believe the military should be large enough to win two wars at once. The survey is available here: info.ausa.org/e/784...XDfkFQ.
This link has a wealth of helpful information about SBP, and might be helpful to those that are interested: https://www.dfas.mil/RetiredMilitary/newsevents/news/Survivor-SBP-Newsletter/
Your new Board met following the luncheon meeting and presentation. There were several items of discussion to facilitate a smooth transition. Consensus was reached to donate $1,500. to Honor Flight of the Ozarks, coming from earmarked donations, as well as our monthly 50/50 drawings. Thanks to everyone for your continued support.
For all who are Premium or Life members of MOAA, a free Survivor’s Planning Guide is available for download. It can be obtained at This Link
Our newsletter is freely available on this website by following the link above, as well as via email to all members. If anyone wishes to receive this newsletter via US Mail, please make that known to a Board Member or the Newsletter Editor, and we will make that happen.
Ron McCall, President